Have you had impactful mentors in your life? Perhaps you remember a sports coach, a teacher, or a boss who provided you the guidance you needed to get where you are today. If so, now’s the perfect time to pay it forward and provide mentoring to others!
First, you need to find someone to mentor. You shouldn’t have to look too far to find someone who is just starting out on their chosen path. LinkedIn is a great place to find people who are hungry for guidance and insights. You can also ask your colleagues or your friends and family if they know anyone looking for advice in your field.
Once you identify and connect with someone interested in being mentored by you, you can get to work by helping them build their confidence. Growing in an endeavor, be in professional, sports, music, or anything else, requires the courage to try new things. As a mentor you can encourage people to take risks, as well as provide feedback that will help them develop their skills. And remember, sometimes the best lessons are learned through the mistakes of others, so don’t be shy in sharing your epic fails!
As you work with the person you mentor, you can help them expand their network by introducing them to people you feel will help them grow. A thoughtful introduction can open doors for the person and set them on the pathway to success.
As you reflect on the people who made a lasting impact on your life, consider the benefits of doing the same for other people. We are all part of a community, and as we uplift each other we are uplifting ourselves as well!
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